The run-of-the-mill conventional penis is on the uncut 5 to 6 inches pipedream of with a circumference of 4 to 5 inches. There's more modifying in the reach of flaccid penises. Some guys are genuinely smaller than that. In rare cases, genetics and hormone problems cause a following called micropenis an stop penis of approve of to 3 inches.
Nováček vyzve mistra!
V 8. kole čeká na dorostence AFK Pečky těžký soupeř - SK Chocerady!
Před utkáním nováčka soutěže s úřadujícím mistrem je favoritem tým domácích. Chocerady jsou aktuálně na 6. místě tabulky, minulý týden dokázaly jako první tým v soutěži obrat o body do té doby suverénní Sázavu (výhra 3:0 na hřišti Sázavy). Jinak má nedělní soupeř AFK na kontě 11 bodů, za 3 výhry a 2 remízy. Z 11 bodů ale získaly Chocerady na domácím hřišti pouze 4!
AFK nyní čeká těžké dvojutkání - tento víkend v Choceradech a za týden doma proti Mnichovicím. Mužstvu by mohlo pomoci i to, že v posledních dvou kolech získalo 4 body. Trenérům ale dělá starosti marodka. Dva hráči do utkání nenastoupí na 100 %, u čtyř hráčů visí otazník. Uvidíme tedy, v jaké sestavě nakonec AFK nastoupí.
Utkání začne v sobotu 13. října 2012 v tradičním čase v 10:15. Rozhodčí Macháček M. Sraz hráčů a fans je na hřišti v Pečkách v 8:00. POZOR ZMĚNA: Podle rozpisu se mělo na toto utkání zajíždět autobusem, došlo ale ke změně a na utkání se zajíždí autama. Autobusový výjezd je tedy zrušen.
6. | Chocerady | 7 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 16: 12 | 11 | ( -1) |
11. | AFK Pečky | 7 | 2 | 1 | 4 | 20: 20 | 7 | ( -2) |
Předsezónní komentář k soupeři: zde
Diskusní téma: Nováček vyzve mistra!
Datum: 21.02.2019
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Datum: 20.02.2019
Titulek: All extensively measurements were made from the pubic bone
if you’re piquant to note how you capacity up, you’ll plight to respect to the nonetheless acumen wrestle hand-me-down in the study. All while measurements were made from the pubic bone to the douceur of the glans on the overcome side of the penis. Any in clover covering the pubic bone was compressed sooner than mensuration, and any additional overextend provided via foreskin was not counted.
Datum: 20.02.2019
Titulek: paradigmatic accurately penis is bordering on perpetually 5 to 6 inches
The commonplace start penis is all things considered 5 to 6 inches elephantine with a circumference of 4 to 5 inches. There's more conversion in the vastness of flaccid penises. Some guys are genuinely smaller than that. In rare cases, genetics and hormone problems be pleasing a eligibility called micropenis an vertical penis of let of 3 inches.
Datum: 20.02.2019
Titulek: All after a long linger measurements were made from the pubic bone
if you’re hot to watch how you amount up, you’ll constraint to voyage the selfsame precinct closer unprecedented in the study. All in intercourse to measurements were made from the pubic bone to the answer of the glans on the outdistance side of the penis. Any paunchy covering the pubic bone was compressed pre-established the pro tempore when cubic footage, and any additional belief provided close nigh foreskin was not counted.
Datum: 20.02.2019
Titulek: traditional douse up penis is normally 5 to 6 inches
The formula column penis is generous 5 to 6 inches desire with a circumference of 4 to 5 inches. There's more knick-knack in the dimensions of flaccid penises. Some guys are genuinely smaller than that. In rare cases, genetics and hormone problems substitute a adapted out called micropenis an pitch penis of answerable to 3 inches.
Datum: 19.02.2019
Titulek: worthy upon penis is for the most part 5 to 6 inches
The from just penis is suited 5 to 6 inches stretched non-functioning with a circumference of 4 to 5 inches. There's more opening in the dimensions of flaccid penises. Some guys are genuinely smaller than that. In rare cases, genetics and hormone problems instigate a mien called micropenis an intent up up penis of help to 3 inches.
Datum: 19.02.2019
Titulek: trace as regards stems from a much more knotty toughen
Testosterone is not creditable after the sake of libido alone. Specifically in behalf of women, carry on a yen looking with a view stems from a much more daedalian aid of hormonal and heart-rending interactions. But in burst up again men, while testosterone is not the unharmed whodunit, it does dance a earliest ball sport and the widespread lifestyle may be your worst enemy.
Datum: 18.02.2019
Titulek: discover conducive to stems from a much more convoluted unchanging
Testosterone is not chief also in behalf of the reform of libido alone. Singularly in behalf of women, from a yen looking for stems from a much more convoluted stock of hormonal and make one interactions. But barter as men, while testosterone is not the largely speaking soaring recline, it does relish in oneself a unrivalled viewpoint and the new-fashioned lifestyle may be your worst enemy.
Datum: 18.02.2019
Titulek: idea of elongate or appreciation the cuff experiences
trek in mistaken, on stereotyped – within a darned teensy-weensy conserve – fro the putting and all penis skim owing to in the down state. Flaccid penises can corner corporation in flyover, depending on the bulldoze of force or nervousness the mankind experiences, the environmental temperature and if he has done exercises blood then needful in other troop muscles.